Página de Interés Mapuche

Eduardo Labarca

email: e.labarca@altavista.net
surface mail:
description: Eduardo Labarca, Chilean writer, born in Santiago, Chile, 1938. Until 1973, journalist in Chile (press, radio, TV, documentary films), and latter in Europe. Currently in Vienna, Austria.
NON-FICTION: "Chile invadido", Santiago, Chile, 1968; "Chile al rojo", Santiago, Chile, 1971; "Corvalán 27 horas", Santiago, Chile, 1973.

FICTION: "El turco Abdala y otras historias" (3 short novels), Santiago, Chile, 1988; "Acullá" (novel), Santiago, Chile, 1990; "Butamalon" (novel), 422 pp., Anaya & Mario Muchnik, Madrid, Spain, November 1994.

"Butamalón" is a historical novel about the big mapuche uprising ("butamal&oactue;n") in 1598-1604, led by toqui Pelantaro. In this uprising, for the second time the Mapuches defeated and killed a Spanish Governor, this time Martin Garcia On~es de Loyola. The main character in the novel is padre Juan Barba, a catholic priest that fought in the ranks of the Mapuche army of 30,000 warriors. A Chilean translator who in the novel has to translate a book by an American author about Juan Barba (a true historical figure) is the link with the present times.

To be able to write "Butamalón" I have done a great deal of investigation, that took me, including the writing time, about seven years. I spend some periods of time at the Archivo de Indias de Sevilla, Spain, and in chilean archives. I have a lot of mapuche friends and traveled all arround the Araucania area several times. Some parts of the novel are writen in old Spanish language, and there are many words, frases and parts of text in Mapudungu. Prof. Gilberto Sanchez, of the Departamento de Linguistica, Universidad de Chile, checked all Mapuche texts for accuracy.

Ana H. Ladio

email: mailto:aladio@bariloche.com.araladio@crub.uncoma.edu.ar
description: Soy bióloga y trabajo en la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Estoy realizando mi tesis doctoral estudiando el uso de plantas comestibles silvestres en comunidades Mapuches del sur de Neuquén (Argentina). Mi trabajo no sólo trata de recuperar el uso de plantas sino también trata de establecer los factores ecológicos y sociales que afectan a la costumbre de recolectar plantas silvestres. Además, me he planteado como prioridad la devolución de los resultados a las comunidades, por lo cual y con un subsidio del Programa de extensión universitaria de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue estamos entregando a las familias y a las escuelas rurales pequeños manuales con la información y los dibujos de las plantas citadas. Detallo algunos de los trabajos publicados, por si les interesa:

- E. H. Rapoport & Ana H. Ladio.1998. Los bosques andino-patagónicos como fuentes de alimentos. Bosque 20 (2): en prensa Universidad Austral de Chile.

- E. H. Rapoport, Ana Ladio & Eduardo Sanz. 1999. Plantas nativas comestibles de la Patagonia andina argentino-chilena. Ediciones Alternatura. Secretaría de Extensión universitaria. UNC. National Geographic Society. 81 pp.

- Ana H. Ladio & M. Lozada. 2000. Edible wild plants in a Mapuche community of northwestern Patagonia. Human Ecology 28 (1): en prensa. Plenium.

Para cualquier información o pedido de trabajos mi e-mail es aladio@crub.uncoma.edu.ar .

Loreto Larrain Comperatore

email: Ggalaxie7@aol.com
description: My name is Loreto Larrain Comperatore and I am interested in Mapuche culture because of my indigenous ancestry. I was born in Santiago Chile and have been living in the United States for the past 22 years. I am a Physician Assistant in Connecticut, also interested in traditional herbal medicine used by the Mapuche peoples.

Patricia Livingston

phone: 303-492-1640
email: livingsp@stripe.colorado.edu
description: I am doing research for my Master's thesis, the proposal for which is an update of an article which was written by Bernard Nietschmann in 1987, "The Third World War." This will be used as a resource for the Fourth World Center at the University of Colorado-Denver. My investigation will investigate how the Internet affects self-determination movements of indigenous peoples.

Guillermo Luchtenberg

email: ggl@feedback.net.ar
address: Amenabar970 - 4to A 1426 - Buenos Aires
